Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cheap (or Free) to a Good Home

So I dropped by the local hobby shop today. I've been in there browsing many a time, so what happened next is probably understandable.

I saw some Bachmann ore cars. They were quite inexpensive. I have been dying to get SOME kind of rolling stock for the as yet unbuilt railroad.

So I bought one and asked how old the prototype was. It goes back to the 1930s, I was assured.

Here's the model I got (although it was black and lettered for the N&W).

Once home with it, I had some second thoughts and hunted around to see if I could find the history of the prototype.

I didn't find this particular model, but MR has a review of another manufacturer's kit that sure looks like the same prototype.

Grrrrr. It was introduced in 1961. That's a whole lot later than I plan to model.

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1 comment:

  1. looks like a nice find...dont give it away just weather the crap out of her and set it on an old siding...thats what I would do IMO...if not I will take it :) wcarter1@ashland.edu


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